
Photo supreme court justices
Photo supreme court justices

photo supreme court justices

The date a Member of the Court took his/her Judicial oath (the Judiciary Act provided “That the Justices of the Supreme Court, and the district judges, before they proceed to execute the duties of their respective offices, Chief Justice Rutledge is included because he took his oaths, presided over the August Term of 1795, and his name appears on two opinions of the Court for that Term.

photo supreme court justices

Stanton who died before he could take the necessary steps towardīecoming a Member of the Court. Notes: The acceptance of the appointment and commission by the appointee, as evidenced by the taking of the prescribed oaths, is here implied otherwise the individual is not carried on this list of the Members of the Court.Įxamples: Robert Hanson Harrison is not carried, as a letter from President Washington of Februstates Harrison declined to serve.

Photo supreme court justices